Since it was built in 2004, the Hubbard Gorilla Valley has enabled our Zoo to become a major partner in global gorilla conservation. In 2021, it got a gorilla-sized glow-up with an African jungle theme that offers an even more immersive educational experience for visitors, and additional habitat enrichments such as waterfalls, foraging opportunities and climbing structures for our gorillas.
This year, we’re giving you the chance to be a part of this iconic building and to support these charismatic and intelligent animals with a gorilla shaped plaque displayed alongside the troop. These special plaques will only be available for a limited time, so don’t drag your arms, make your mark at the Zoo today!
Help us celebrate the Zoo’s gorillas and honor the Zoo lover in your life with a gift that makes a lasting impression. Inscribe your name or honor a loved one with a message on a plaque inside Hubbard Gorilla Valley. With two options to choose from, you can simply inscribe a loved one’s name or customize an entire plaque with a special message. The opportunity is going to go fast!